Then he was a clinging substance, then He created and proportioned.
and thereafter became a germ-cell - whereupon He created and formed [it] in accordance with what [it] was meant to be
Then he became a clot; then (Allah) shaped and fashione
Then did he become a leech-like clot; then did (Allah) make and fashion (him) in due proportion
Then they became a clinging clot ˹of blood˺, then He developed and perfected their form,
Then he became a clot. And [God] created and proportioned,
which then became a leech-like clot; then God shaped and fashioned him in due proportion
Then he was a clot of blood, so He created (him) then made (him) perfect
Again, he had been a clot and He created him and shaped him.
Then he became a clot, so [God] created and fashioned [him]
Then he became a hanging clot; then (Allah) created and fashioned him in due proportion,
Then he was a blood clot; whereupon He created, then fashioned
Then he became a clinging clot, and He created and formed?
Then he became a clot. And He created and proportioned
Afterwards he became ‘Alaqatan. Then He differentiated (it) into a creation, and shaped and fashioned (him) in proportion
Then he became a leechlike mass, then Allah created him and fashioned him in due proportion
Thereafter he was a clot (i.e., a leach-like clot). So He created, then He molded
Was he not once just a drop of discharged sperm
Then he became a clot of blood, then He created (him) and made (him) perfect
Then he became a zygote. And He shaped and fashioned him in due proportion
Then, he became a clot, and He (Allah) gave him the form and proportions
Then did he become a leech-like clot; Then (Allah) made and gave (him) the right size and shape
Then he was a clinging clot, and [ Allah ] created [his form] and proportioned [him]
Then he was an embryo, so he was created and developed.
which became a clinging form, which God shaped in due proportion
Then he became a clot; then He created him and formed him
Then formed into an embryo? Then He fashioned, shaped and proportione
then a blood-clot which He created and shaped,
Then he became a clot clinging (to the womb wall), and He created and fashioned (him) in due proportions
Then he became a clinging mass; then He created [him] and proportioned [him]
Then he was a clot of blood, so He created (him) then made (him) perfect
then it became a (dangling, clinging, and leach like) blood clot, then He created and shaped (it),
Then did they become a leech-like fetus, then God made and fashion them in due proportion
Then a germ cell that Allah created and perfected?
then he became a clot, and then Allah made it into a living body and proportioned its parts
Then he was an embryo, so he was created and developed.
Then he became a leech-like clinging clot of curdled blood; and He created him and set his shape right
Then he became a clot, and then He created him and perfected him.
Then He created an embryo out of it!
Then he was a clot of blood, then He created and formed hi
Then he was a clot; so He created (him), then made (him) perfect
Then (he) was/became a blood clot , so He created (it), so He straightened/perfected (it)
Then his Creator made him a leech like clot
He then became a clot – so Allah created him, then made him proper
The he became a clot, then ALLAH gave him shape and perfected him
Then it developed into a hanging mass (clinging to the womb like a nest). Then He created (in it the preliminary form of all the limbs of the body). Then He set (them) right
(Which drop) then became a clot of blood, then He fashioned (him through various stages) and perfected (him in his make)
Then he became an Alaqa (a clot); then (Allah) shaped and fashioned (him) in due proportion
Then he was a blood-clot, and He created and formed
Afterwards he became a little coagulated blood; and God formed him, and fashioned him with just proportion
Then he was congealed blood, and (God) created him, and fashioned him
Then he became thick blood of which God formed him and fashioned him
He became a clot of blood;³ then God formed and moulded him
Then he became a clot of blood so then He created [him] and then made [him] in due proportions.
Afterwards he became a clinging clot; and Allâh formed and molded him,
Then he was an implant, then He created and shaped (it),
He/she then became a clot clinging [to the uterine wall]. (Allah) designed (humanity) in due proportion.
Then he became a clinging form, which He then created and formed?
Then he became a clot, so [Allah (God)] created and fashioned [him]
Then he was a clinging clot, So, He (Allah) created and normalized?
Which then became a clot (genetic structure), and (Allah) created him and proportioned him (according to his creational purpose).
Then it became something that clings and hangs like a leech, so He proportioned it then set it in equilibrium.
Then by union with its counterpart it became Notfa Amshag* "zygote" which developed into a clinging organism. Then Allah has given it form and shape, proportions and a constitution ensuring that the individual is not alone human, but unique - from the pattern of the finger prints to the number, colour, shape and length of the eyelashes, - ref. Human Embryology M.j.T.Fitz Gerald M.D., London, 197
Then he was a clot, then He created and He made uniform,
Then did he become a leech-like clot; then did (God) make and fashion (him) in due proportion
Then he was a clinging substance, then He created and proportioned
Thumma kana AAalaqatan fakhalaqa fasawwa
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